DESTINATIONS pedicab-travel


Pedicab Travel

Pedicabs, human-powered three-wheeled bicycle rickshaws, are popular modes of transport in spring and summer around Boston and Cambridge. These vehicles, which hold two adults easily and three with difficulty, are manned (some womaned) by trained cyclists who wear eye-catching shirts, exude good nature and stamina, and have the gift of gab. You can hail one of these three-wheelers on the street or phone for one, with an average wait of 10 minutes. Boston patrons most often use them to get from point A to a not-too-distant point B; on Red Sox game days, pedicabs swarm towards Fenway Park, usually arriving ahead of auto traffic.

There are no fixed fares, since the bikers work for tips; pay your biker (cash only) what you think the ride was worth, though be ready for a sour look if you pay much less than $10 a mile or so. Try to agree on a fee ahead of time. Most pedicabs also offer tours, with minimum fixed fees.

Pedicab Information

Boston Pedicab. 617/266–2005;

Boston Rickshaw. 857/300–0565.

Cambridge Pedicab. 617/370–3707;


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